Are there any here that resonate with you too?
1. Roald Dahl and Jacqueline Wilson sparked my love of books.
2. I loved comprehension at school because it taught me the meaning behind stories
3. Dracula blew my mind
4. I love historical fiction
5. I am a bookmark person
6. I used to be a dogear person
7. I love a hardback
8. I hate creasing the spine of books
9. I once dressed up as Hermione Granger and won best costume
10. I've never read any Harry Potter
11. I love sad girl books
12. I prefer physical books
13. I read quicker on a kindle
14. I prefer shorter books
15. I love starting a new book
16. I read in silence
17. I mainly read in bed
18. I gravitate towards pink books
19. I read a lot of contemporary fiction
20. I have a degree in English Lit & History
21. I rarely read short stories
22. I haven't read that many classics
23. Tenant of Wildfell Hall is my favourite Bronte book
24. I read to expand my horizons
25. I very rarely watch book adaptations